Dick Nunis for AT&T


I got a survey regarding my Walt Disney World annual pass.

This felt like giving someone their last chance performance review before being fired.

I really don’t like the idea of Apple buying Disney, except for the fact that the park apps would be amazing.

It is needlessly complicated in some places, but please remember to vote anyway tomorrow. Thanks.

PSA: It’s Jersey week. Plan accordingly, Floridians. 😂

I’m not saying it will happen, but it also would not surprise me if we see some downtime and instability on Twitter in the near future. It is a complicated machine, and cutting staff seemingly with little planning or thought creates a great deal of risk.


UPDATE: I also didn’t win the powerball. Lousy night around here.

1) The iPhone 14 Pro managed to get somewhat of a decent pic of the 1st scene in Spaceship Earth 2) Is that Elon fighting the Mastodon?

Very saddened to hear of Alice Davis’ passing. What a tremendous life. May her memory be a blessing.

UPDATE: Mountains aren’t just funny, they’re hill areas.

Got my preview tickets! Really can’t wait for this.

Tonight’s feature presentation

Finished putting up my decorations 🎃

✅ Phillies play in the World Series tonight

✅ New Beatles album out today

✅ I have donuts

Really cool. They need to add “you’re riding on sunshine” to the automated announcements 😂 www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2022/10/m…

📰 ⚾️

In beautiful spacial audio ⚾️

There has been an incident

🎶 I keep dancing on my own 🎶 ⚾️