I don’t think we’ll ever get that Disney Parks box set, but this is a pretty amazing collection of park music: twitter.com/somestuff…
Hey, the gang’s all here
Good day to stay inside and track the solar energy getting generated 🥵 ☀️
Anyone have an extra Animal Muppet Lego minifig?
“But we do have television—when it works. Gives you something to do after you come home. I kind of like it, y’know? Guy named John Cameron Swayze gives us all the news, and then they have all this singing and dancing. A lot of fluff, but it’s fun.”
Dreamers stick together
Good afternoon from Kansas City and Mr. Morrow
Muppet minifig update: Need: Bunsen, Fozzie, Animal Available to trade: Waldorf, Janice, Beaker
DM if interested
This tiny IKEA shopping bag implies the existence of a tiny IKEA store.
This is a great mix
WDW, for me, is now almost exclusively about who I get to visit & spend time with. The 1982 World’s Fair is long over, & whatever is created now may not be for me; that’s fine.
The fan service is a bit much. Make it new; you aren’t going to get the old fans back.
Pretty good garage sale find 🌐
Muppet Studio
(somehow got no dupes yet!)
This is the door to the metaverse.
Not Walt’s favorite, but X Atencio’s.
Thanks for making this multiple choice for those of us who have lost track 😂
Pants status: 🆙
🐸 🐷 🌐
Time machine