Really excited for this…

Apple Music Replay needs a way to exclude tracks you play at night to help you sleep πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Wow, I didn’t think Apple was gonna open a store in American Dream…

Spent this rainy Sunday afternoon moving The Archivesℒ️ out of Evernote and into DEVONthink. So far, so good. (still need to do some reorganizing LOL)

Folder view from inside an app showing subfolders

Probably not news, but just learned that Shinseido in Ikspiari at TDR has closed. Really bummed; it was a great record store with an incredible section of Disney music from all over the world.

Check out Studio Neat for #SmallBusinessSaturday. They make some cool pens and tech accessories. $10 off coupon link

Really enjoyed Mickey: The Story of a Mouse. Lot of good interviews and covers the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of history.…

Distinctly patriotic πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

This kinda stuff is cool πŸ”Š

Celebrity sports center! 🎳

Reading material

This explains a lot about our government.

Cool Southern airlines poster

Jim Henderson’s origin story

What’s the name on that slip? - What’s your name? Henderson. That’s it. That’s the name on the slip. - But I hate pepperoni.

PSA: Hulu is running their annual deal to pay $1.99/month for a year. Change email address and use a different credit card if you need to renew…😏

Q: Why does Snow White use an Android phone? A: Because she is afraid of apples

This joke alone is reason enough to tank any further rumors of Apple buying Disney.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Good mail day

Mastodon, but for selling concert tickets.

This episode of Dark Side of the 90s focused on “Internet 1.0” is a walk down memory lane with a segment focused on Netscape. Today’s startup culture, focus on social media, crypto, and online services etc all can trace their history back to this moment in history.…

It kinda feels like the company spends more effort working on new pricing and revenue management than they do on new attractions.